Deron Stults
Nickname: Diesel
I seem to have a hard time remembering that my engine does not take Unleaded gas.
52 Words:
I am a loving, giving person who dreams everyday of new opportunities that have no limits. I enjoy the freedom of being master of my destiny. I'm blessed to have a partner who let's me me and is always ready to go with me ,no matter what. I love you Jill.
Motto: Never Give Up
Purpose: Helping People
Because it makes me feel good.
Secret: I love the symphony.
Family: Married with 4 kids
Wife: Jill. Kids: Alex, McCree, Natalie and Luke.
Pets: 3 Dogs
Ruppert, Lucy, Stella
Pet-Peeve: Being Late
Superpower: Flying
I love to fly airplanes.
Favorite Fictional Character: Thomas Magnum
Favorite Breakfast Cereal: Lucky Charms
Favorite Movie: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Favorite Book: Lead The Field
Favorite Getaway: The Keys
Favorite Quote:
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day that you find out why." — Mark Twain