Bruce King
Accounting Assistant
Nickname: BK
52 Words:
I am blessed to have a great family that includes my True Soulmate as a wife, and two great boys who have amazing families of their own, and also includes my 5 wonderful grandkids, as well as my sister in Tampa, and extended family here in Winter Haven. I am truly blessed.
Motto: Behavior we tolerate today will be acceptable tomorrow.
Purpose: Avoiding the idiots on the roads.
Secret: I collect Minion and M&M figurines.
Family: Married
Pets: No
Pet-Peeve: People who do not use the brains God gave them before making sweeping statements.
Superpower: Flying
Famous Look-a-like: (Older Beach Boys) Brian Wilson
Favorite Fictional Character: Alf
Favorite Breakfast Cereal: Frosted Flakes
Favorite Movie: Manhunter with William Peterson (later famous on CSI)
Favorite Book:
Favorite Getaway: The JW Marriott Hotel & Spa - Las Vega
Favorite Quote:
Behavior we tolerate today will be acceptable tomorrow.