The Birth of a New Program
Bucs Babies kicked off in 2014 when Florida Hospital signed with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers
forming a partnership and giving “birth” to Bucs Babies. Each baby born in the month of May
(NFL draft month) in a Tampa area Florida Hospital received special recognition and a gift
package, custom designed by Bagley.
Expanding the Team
Big partner names joined the promotion: Publix and Walgreens, donating a generous amount of
baby supplies and other items for families with newborns. The moms suddenly had skin in the

The promotion gained such popularity that the following year the two partners held a birthday
party for hundreds of one-year-olds came at the stadium for a family-filled celebration. Dads
loved it too. They received Bucs gear and were able to meet coaches, players and cheerleaders
throughout the experience.
Bucs Babies is still going strong today. There is no doubt you will see Bucs Babies games for
years to come. Who knows? Maybe in 13 years or so a Bucs Baby will play for the Bucs!