Michael Fox
Michael Fox
Vice President of Business Development
Seems natural, nickname growing up and during baseball.
• Passionate
• Makes a hot salsa
• Family first
• Do the right thing
• Time is the most valuable thing
• Experiences are more valuable than material items
• Success equals effort put in
• Knowledge equals power
• Over preparing is key
• Find a way
• Goals are key to life
• Sports explain everything in life
• Get it done
“The Harder I Work, The Luckier I Get” – Jack Nicklaus

Jill Stults
Jill Stults
This is from Deron. And he named our boat this too.
I am a Christian who focuses on God, Deron, my family and my friends. I always enjoy being where I am when I am there! I am grateful for my life and count my blessings every day. I love the beach, salted air, good red wine, sunsets and storms and snowy afternoons!
Because I am so Blessed.
Husband: Deron. Kids: Alex, McCree, Natalie and Luke.
Ruppert, Lucy, Stella
MUTE the TV!
I know so many people who need healing in so many ways.
Sally Field
If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Deron Stults
Deron Stults
I seem to have a hard time remembering that my engine does not take Unleaded gas.
I am a loving, giving person who dreams everyday of new opportunities that have no limits. I enjoy the freedom of being master of my destiny. I'm blessed to have a partner who let's me ..be me and is always ready to go with me ,no matter what. I love you Jill.
Because it makes me feel good.
Wife: Jill. Kids: Alex, McCree, Natalie and Luke.
Ruppert, Lucy, Stella
I love to fly airplanes.
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day that you find out why." — Mark Twain