A Message from Our CEO:
Supply Chain Climate in 2021
I am sure most of you have heard or seen some of the supply chain challenges on the news. I wanted to take a minute and share some of what we are experiencing and how we are trying to mitigate. Longer production times, pricing increases and inventory availability are the new normal in our industry. Additionally, labor shortages have put a great strain on all supply chains.
Bagley’s customer-centric philosophy and our commitment to quick, seamless and outstanding service remains in effect. We are doing everything in our power, while working closely with our partners, to provide quick reliable service. However, we are seeing the need to be flexible on certain apparel styles, colors and other items due to inventory shortages. We will continue to be very transparent about those anomalies by providing realistic solutions as they arise.
It may seem premature to start talking about the holidays in June. However, it would be very beneficial to start planning early so we can better serve you while avoiding stock shortages and delays that have become common. With the extra time, in most cases, a substantial amount of savings can even be realized. Call us to get us started.
At Bagley we have over 100 years of combined experience and we have the confidence to get through these times. We strive to be “ninjas” in the industry — nimble, flexible and always thinking outside the lines. We pride ourselves in the level of quality from our incredible manufacturing partners. Our team stands ready to serve you!
Thank you for your loyalty and friendship during a very trying 18 months.
Jill Stults, CEO

Jill Stults