What Are You Doing for Others?
Today is January 18, 2021. MLK Day and two days before the Inauguration. In the midst of a global pandemic and the uncertainty of when it will end. People all around us are suffering physically and emotionally.
Martin Luther King Jr. said it best: “What are you doing for others?” In this fast-paced world, do we pause and notice what others need? Not very often. According to Psychology Today, when we do good, we feel good. The benefits of volunteering provide meaning and purpose promoting pro-sociality. Serving decreases symptoms of depression and ultimately improves our emotional well-being. Even when it comes to money, donating to a charity, buying groceries for a neighbor or picking up the tab for a stranger – these kind gestures produce fulfillment and happiness.
I challenge you to take the good of today, right at this moment and do something for someone. It doesn’t require much thought or time. I guarantee you will make their day brighter and you will feel happier.
— Jill Stults, CEO

Jill Stults