We Have Weathered the Storm
It’s Time to Finish Strong
by Jill Stults, CEO
In a year that has left us speechless, ironically everyone has so much to say. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the usage of the word “time” was surpassed by the term “COVID-19.” The Wall Street Journal noted that the use of the word “pandemic” increased by more than 57,000 per cent this year.
The tech world found humor and described 2020 like this:
- Software giant Adobe’s one-word description is: Ctrl+Z.
- ‘Unsubscribe’ is YouTube’s one-word narration
- The Microsoft’s browser Edge’s description for the year is: 404 (error page)
- The response from Call of Duty’s official Twitter handle for the year is: Gulag
The list goes on and on. Curious as to what our team had to say, “ask and you shall receive” below are their overwhelming responses.
“2020 – the year of NEW. This is probably not the word most would use to characterize this year, but it is my word. We got a new puppy, we moved to a new home, we started new jobs, we started a new family and got married…all while navigating a new COVID-19 world…and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I am grateful for the old – our family and friends that are as good as family – that made all of this new possible. That said, I will be equally grateful for when we can officially consider 2020 old come January 1st. The saying, “out with the old and in with the new,” certainly rings true in this case. So, here’s to an unforgettable year and to the NEW one that is upon us.”
– Kate Elliott Stott, Account Manager
“Sharing my quote for 2020, by Winston Churchill: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.”
“2020 has helped a lot of us slow down and focus on what is important in life. Our family, our friends and our relationships. They drive everything in our life. My favorite quote will always apply, “The harder you work, the luckier you get.” I look forward to more opportunities in 2021 and beyond.”
— Michael J. Fox, Vice President of Business Development
“Even though we are physically keeping our distance, this year has brought me closer to my family and friends. It has made me keep in touch more with everyone, to make sure everyone is doing ok, like a constant check in. I want to keep this action going after the pandemic as passed. Life is too short.”
“2020 was definitely a year filled with challenges, disappointments and sadness. However, it also taught us to “slow down”, be more thankful for everyone in your life, and grateful to have a safe, comfortable home to spend time in. Personally, I rediscovered the quiet joys of board games, puzzles, and storytelling, a greater appreciation for teachers (LOL), and the extra time spent home with my family helped create lasting memories for my daughter. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone.”
– Marlo Breeze, Account Manager
“I like this thought for 2020 as it relates to the leaders of our Bagley Team, as we stood at the edge of the “Business Cliff” back in March:
“There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen, and there are people who wonder what happened. To be successful, you need to be a person who makes things happen.” —Jim Lovell (American Astronaut)
This is the Spirit that came from the top this year, and led us from the edge of ruin to the pinnacle of success, and turned 2020 into a year of remarkable prosperity – this and God’s Grace, which they would tell you is always a critical element, and has to be recognized and thankfully appreciated in the end.”
— Bruce King, Accounting Manager
“Through the midst of all the craziness in the world this year, I was able to step back and focus more on a personal level. Work for me did not slow down, if anything it speed up. However, spending more time at home on my off time made me realize what was more important for me to focus on. My husband and I are always go go go, but we decided to slow down and invest in our future. We purchased our first house and are enjoying the extra time making it our home. We are wanting to start a family in the future and now is the best time for us to prepare for that. So as the world is going crazy, we are slowing down and enjoying our extra time together. We know as soon as we have kids, our little world will speed right back up again. 2020, the year I have stayed distant, but well more connected to the things that matter most to me.”
– Emily Y. Roker, Production Manager
“Reflecting upon 2020, I am reminded there is a bright side to everything. The turbulence we’ve been experiencing brings challenge, change and opportunity, but this pause also gives us time to reflect upon those important things in our life that busy minds often overlook. Consequently, I am taking the time to appreciate family and support good friends.”
– George Boraiko, Company Advisor/Consultant
“2020 started as a year with new expectations, new goals and refreshed ideas. It quickly turned into a challenge. A challenge that some companies unfortunately did not overcome, but as a company, we worked together as a team and excelled through probably one of the most difficult times we will ever experience in our lifetimes. As 2020 comes to an end, I reflect back on that challenge and all of the hardships we have all faced within our own lives and it just makes us stronger as an individual and stronger as a company. Going into 2021, I am thankful for the time we have had this past year to just stop and focus on our own families as well as the things we typically take for granted due to the craziness of our busy lives. It has given me the confidence that 2021 will be a brighter year with new challenges and goals that we will excel through and it will be an even better year for Bagley as a whole.”
To be fair and inclusive, here is mine:
“2020 has been a very unique year for me and my family! What started out as one of our busiest travel years for January and February, changed abruptly! Our family gatherings came to a halt, vacations cancelled and masks became a wardrobe staple. As we look forward to welcoming 2021 and the New Year, I know we will appreciate the small things in LIFE a little more. Our family gatherings, vacations and seeing each other’s faces without a decorative mask! I count JOY in all things😊”
2020 may gently depart or we may kick it out the door. Either way, we feel it’s a time to come together and celebrate the blessings in our lives and to honor others with our gifts. We encourage you to stay positive, remain thoughtful in your areas of giving. It will strengthen us and prepare our posture at the start of the new year. Grace and peace!
Tell us your thoughts about 2020 and how you plan to Finish Strong. We’d love to hear from you.

Jill Stults